South Orangetown Middle School
Fall Fundraiser
Register, Share and
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Dear Parent or Guardian,

With your help, we will be raising funds for the benefit of our 8th grade students class trip to Washington, D.C. and Hershey Park. Students will receive 40% for trips.

We are asking every family to participate. We will reach our goal when each student registers and shares the fundraiser with 5 or more supporters. Please register your student(s) at We are counting on these funds for the benefit of every child. This funding does not come from other sources so your participation, at any level, is critical. Thank you for your help & support!

Your fundraiser ends on: Tuesday, November 1, 2022
How to Participate:
  • Register at
    Share with Family & Friends.
  • Share with 5 or more supporters.
    Get as many orders as possible.
  • Shop at
    Pay with credit/debit or Text PAY to 833-858-8585.
All Payments Will Be Made Online.
Shop all the items online and pay with a credit card!
What You Get:
Participants can win lots of prizes from the prize envelope and online! Go to and play the Register. Share. Win. Game - over $100,000 in prize giveaways!
Questions? Contact Ron Scherer at
(845)709-9761 or email